Lighthouse Yoga & Wellness is where you can integrate mind, body, and soul.
Join us to breathe as you dedicate time to find balance within yourself.

Welcome to Lighthouse Yoga & Wellness. It is no coincidence of your presence landing here. Whether you are new to the practice of yoga or have had years of experience on the mat, welcome home to yourself and a community of purposeful open hearted souls. Join us as we remember and return to ourselves daily through the connection of body, mind, and spirit.
Lighthouse Yoga & Wellness
Whether you are new to Yoga or have had a lifelong practice, and whatever your reasons for looking to Yoga now, I congratulate you!!! I can’t think of a better way to reconnect to yourself; Mind, Body and Spirit.
As soon as you enter our space, you will be drawn in by the special energy of the studio. Our AMAZING community will make you feel right at home, and our Highly Skilled teachers will guide you through your yoga practice in a safe and sustainable way. The tools you learn on the mat can be taken with you into your daily life and interactions with family and friends.

Lindsey Mann
At Lighthouse Yoga I was welcomed with open arms! Love and light were radiating from everyone. This was my first experience EVER at a yoga studio and I was in utter amazement. The amount of growth and healing I experienced cannot be measured, only felt within the soul. It truly does not matter if you have ever done yoga or not because yoga starts now. Yoga is UNITY and LOVE. You will feel that here at this very studio.
Anya Behan,
Seattle Retreat
The Seattle retreat was time and space to give back to myself. It gave me the opportunity to detach from technology and my fast-paced life. Through the practices, I was able to truly cultivate a place in my mind and heart of peace. I am now able to go back to this internal place within times of stress. I experienced so much healing from the experience that I have gone on the retreat twice!
Sloan Tate,
Vedic Astrology Reading
My Vedic reading with Claire was expansive to say the least. I learned deep truths of my being, many things I was already aware of and new discoveries, too. It was magic to see her chart come to life as she spoke it. My experience left me with an unexplainable sense of freedom.
You are the choice maker. Choose the life you want. Today.
~Claire Zovko, Founder