Peru Retreat - Inner Cosmic Journey
With Claire Zovko
July 16 - 24, 2022
Do you feel the call of the land?
Do you hear the whisper of mother earth?
Join us on a journey to the navel of the world for a reset and new beginning. We will explore the sacred valley and lands outside of Cusco, Peru. These ancient lands hold centuries of ceremony and rituals that will deepen your connection with mother earth and your own soul center. On this magical retreat, we will refine the inner workings of the soul, connect to your higher being, and rediscover the sacred within. The journey will culminate at Machu Picchu, the City of Light, with its ancient wisdom and natural wonder.
Join Claire Zovko on this (9 day/8 night) journey back home to the sacred. Claire Zovko is a pioneer in conscious living and Sattva Yoga Master Teacher. She will guide you to open to the depths of your own inner teachings through powerful Himalayan kriya practices.
Mother earth is calling you. Do you hear her whisper? Peru Retreat 2022.
This all-inclusive experience includes:
-Accommodations in the Sacred Valley at Willka T’ika
-Macchu Picchu visit & three (3) nights in Agues Caliente
-Daily yoga, kriya, and meditation practices
-Local school visit and cultural experience
-Sacred Peruvian ceremony & Sacred rituals
-All vegetarian meals
-Transportation during the retreat
-Time and space to connect with nature, yourself and each other
All accommodations are shared. Airfare and airport transfers are not included.
Investment – $3,333
$2,999 if paid in full by March 1, 2022.
Space is limited. Secure your spot today with a $1,000 deposit. Balance must be paid in full by April 15, 2022.
All deposits and payments are non-refundable. Payments can be made by cash or check. A credit card processing fee of 3% will be added if payment is charged on a credit/debit card.
To register and place your deposit or for more info email
What led me to Peru was a lifelong dream to visit one of the wonders of the world. The beauty and magic that is nestled in Machu Pitchu has always drawn me and who better to follow than Claire? I would follow her to the ends of the world, so Peru was a HECK YES. Her wisdom and knowledge give her this ability to connect energetically to the same vibration of Peru and its people. Upon arriving I knew that this was exactly where I needed to be; life in that moment felt like an unsolved puzzle. The land of this country brought immense peace and tranquility to my spirit and for the first time in a while I felt a sense of community surrounding me.